Every marketers’ dream is to build a good character for the brand… At least I have this dream when working with clients. As a first step there are basic attributions, moods we dress up the subject of our attention. We choose carefully these characteristics based on the product characteristics and the impact we’d like to have in out target audiences’ mind BUT which one should we choose for the best results?

Let’s see an approach to this question.

  1. Self-Identity: for a long term success and sustainable communication it’s a must to find the core qualities of the brand’s identity. These qualities should be consistent with the beliefs of those who work in the team too.
  2. Humility: Either we like it or not, we live in an environmnet full with products. Lots of people want to sell, and lots of people do not care at all what are the target audiences’ real needs. Serving solutions for peoples’ real needs instead of creating new ones is fair enough, don’t have to create extra holes to fill them in the next minute.
  3. Honesty: Instead of trying to push a “well-built” image work with what you have.
  4. Responsibility: Being aware of the smaller or larger environment where your brand is available will help the growth of your brand’s reputation. CSR activity or just simply being eco-friendly or sustainable will engage people and build brand awareness.
  5. Development: Reacting properly and instantly on users’ feedback is a core element to ensure a long lasting success.

Taking in consideration that we are selling for humans and the market gives more solutions than people need, for a long lasting success we should focus on creating high quality products and services with a sustainable communication and business policy.


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